Hot Tub Cleaning and Purging: Ultimate Guide



Hot tub cleaning can be an overwhelming and time-consuming job. Fortunately, The Hot Tub Lady has got your back with her ultimate guide to hot tub cleaning and purging. Her detailed YouTube video shares the comprehensive cleaning process and a new hot tub scrub by Ideal Water Care for excellent results.




The Cleaning Process

The cleaning process starts with opening all the jets, ensuring that the water features are running, and then pouring half a bottle of the Ideal Water Care hot tub scrub into the hot tub. The product goes a long way and starts foaming when it touches the water, providing a satisfying visual of the cleaning process.


 Foamy Magic

The foam builds significantly, effectively removing mold and grime from the hot tub's interior, and continues for 30-40 minutes. Once the cleaning process is complete, it's time to drain the water, and The Hot Tub Lady recommends using an extremely portable pump with a large two-inch hose to save time.

Thorough Cleaning

Afterward, the hot tub interior and exterior are hosed down to remove any remaining foam residue, and a battery-powered vacuum cleaner is used to ensure a debris-free environment. The Hot Tub Lady emphasizes the importance of cleaning or replacing the filters and provides a separate video on filter maintenance.

Sparkling Scum Lines

She also recommends using a recommended cleaner like Off the Wall Cleaner from Bio Guard or Clean and Perfect from Natural Chemistry and demonstrates how to clean the scum line while water is still present.

Refilling and Enjoying

Once the cleaning is done, The Hot Tub Lady shares specific instructions for saltwater hot tub owners to use an on-the-go water softener and avoid airlocks. Refilling the hot tub after cleaning is crucial, and viewers are invited to enjoy the rejuvenated hot tub water.

Expert Tips and Resources

The Hot Tub Lady advises purging the hot tub at least once a year and highly recommends the Hot Tub Scrub by Ideal Water Care for outstanding results. In addition to the insightful video, The Hot Tub Lady also provides her seven-page Hot Tub Care Guide, an excellent resource for hot tub owners.


Follow these cleaning steps and get ready to become a happy hot tub owner with The Hot Tub Lady's expert guidance. Say goodbye to the hassle of hot tub cleaning and enjoy a sparkling, rejuvenating hot tub experience.  If you are looking for more ways to take care of your hot tub be sure to download the 7-Page Hot Tub Care Guide from The Hot Tub Lady