7 Refreshing Ways to Beat the Summer Heat in Your Hot Tub

Hey, hey hot tubers! Welcome to Tub Talk, the podcast where we dive deep into all things hot tub-related. I'm your host, Jackie Johnson, aka the Hot Tub Lady. With the scorching heatwave sweeping the nation, staying cool is a top priority. But did you know your hot tub can actually help you beat the heat? In this blog, I'll share 7 refreshing and clever ways to enjoy your hot tub while staying cool and comfortable during the sweltering summer months. So, let's dive in and discover how to make the most of your hot tub in this scorching weather!
1. Embrace the Cool Zone:
Keeping your hot tub slightly below your body temperature can work wonders. Setting it below 98 degrees Fahrenheit will provide a refreshing respite from the heat. Hot tubs heat your body 20 times faster than air, so cooling it down will work similarly. Manufacturers recommend staying within two degrees of the set temperature, so aim for 92 to 96 degrees for a revitalizing cool soak.
2. Smart Control for Convenience
Take advantage of smart control devices like those from Hot Springs and Caldera. With these innovative gadgets, you can remotely adjust the jets, temperature, and salt systems using your smartphone. Turning down the temperature when it's sweltering outside can help keep your hot tub cool.
3. Summer Timer:
Use your hot tub's economy mode or summer timer option to your advantage. By enabling this feature, you can program your hot tub to turn off the heater for eight hours a day. This helps maintain a cooler water temperature during the hottest parts of the day and saves energy in the process.
4. Ice It Up
An ingenious hack to rapidly cool your hot tub is adding frozen ice blocks into the water. Freeze gallon jugs of water in advance and toss them in your hot tub when you need a quick cooldown. Not only does it efficiently reduce the temperature, but it's also environmentally friendly and saves water.
5. Seek the Shade:
Position your hot tub under a shade structure or umbrella whenever possible. Shade helps to shield the water from direct sunlight, keeping it cooler and preventing excess heat absorption. This simple adjustment will make your hot tub experience more enjoyable even on scorching days.
6. Strategic Timing:
Timing is everything! Avoid using your hot tub during the peak heat of the day. Instead, opt for early mornings or late evenings when temperatures are more bearable. With a bit of scheduling, you can make the most of your hot tub while staying comfortably cool.
7. The Cool Zone:
If you live in an intense and prolonged heat area, consider investing in the Cool Zone from Hot Springs. This remarkable device is a heat pump that cools the hot tub water quickly and efficiently. It allows you to transform your hot tub into a refreshing cold plunge, offering a rejuvenating experience to beat the summer heat.
Your hot tub can be your summertime oasis, providing relief from the relentless heat and a way to cool off while enjoying its therapeutic benefits. By implementing these seven refreshing strategies, you can make the most of your hot tub even during the hottest months. Embrace technology, add some ice, utilize shade, and pick the perfect time for your soak. And if you're ready to take the plunge into cold therapy, the Cool Zone is an excellent addition. Stay cool and relaxed with your hot tub this summer!